Job Match Calculator

Upload your CV and paste the job description to get an AI generated job match score & additional recommendations

How It Works


Upload Your CV

How do you know if a job is right for you? Our AI job matching tool helps you figure out if your resume aligns with the job description, making sure you're applying for the right roles.


Paste Job Description

Copy and paste the full job description from the position you're interested in.


Get Your Match Score

Receive a detailed match percentage and personalized recommendations to improve your application.

Job Match Calculator

Only pdf files are allowed

*Please note that this is an AI generated job match score and may not be 100% accurate.
*We are not responsible for the accuracy of the job match score.
*We do not store your data.

Frequently Asked Questions

The job match calculator is a tool that helps you figure out if your resume aligns with the job description, making sure you're applying for the right roles.
Our AI analyzes your resume and the job description to identify matching skills, experience, and qualifications. It then calculates a percentage match score and provides specific recommendations to improve your application.
Yes, your privacy is important to us. We don't store your resume or job descriptions after processing. All data is encrypted during transmission and automatically deleted after your session ends.
Our algorithm has been trained on thousands of successful job applications across various industries. While no tool is perfect, our match score provides a reliable indicator of how well your qualifications align with job requirements.
Yes, the basic job match calculator is completely free to use.

Don't have a cover letter?

Create a stunning cover letter tailored to the job you want with our free AI tool